Lent and Holy week grow in richness every year for me and my family. It is difficult to truly express how the somber week of little sleep, fasting and lament brings us to such a great feast!

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Great to hear from you Daniel! I placed alot of ancient texts on the Harrowing of Hell in the second half just for you since you were asking about them... Odes of Solomons, Gospel of Barnabas, Gospel of Nicodemus, etc.

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this article was cool to read, because I literally had the same epiphany earlier this year, and I am a cradle Orthodox Christian. the holy Friday evening/matins of holy Saturday service is precisely an orthodox funeral for Christ. when you go to a funeral for a regular human being you will see the exact same elements, although not in quite as much ceremony for example, the reading of psalm 118 and the chanting of the funeral holy God. thank you for a very cool video which I shared with several people. Christ is risen! PS, sorry about the weird punctuation. I am a mom of a toddler and I wrote this comment on voice to text

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Thanks! We have 6 kids so we get it =)

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