Is Jesus in The Lord of the Rings?
An Interview w/ Dr. Holly Ordway on the Faith of J.R.R. Tolkien (& C.S. Lewis)
Many people do not know that J.R.R. Tolkien led C.S. Lewis to Christ from atheism. Many people also do not know that Lord of the Rings is a Christian work but in a very hidden way (Chronicles of Narnia is much more obvious i.e. Aslan = Jesus). Lastly, many people do not know that the ‘father of modern fantasy literature’ was a devout Catholic who was raised by a Catholic priest after his mother died at the age of 12. Want to learn more about faith in The Lord of the Rings and the life of J.R.R. Tolkien? Then watch my latest interview w/ a leading Tolkien expert, Dr. Holly Ordway, and do not forget to subscribe!
(Lastly, I have an exciting announcement below!)
I am excited to announce that…
I will be offering mini-courses for my paid subscribers that dive into the profound theology of the ancient church fathers on different subjects.
What will make these mini-courses unique is that C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien will be our guides! (See upcoming courses below)
It is only $10 a month to become a paid subscriber with special access to content!
These mini-courses will be pre-recorded video lectures & presentations that you can watch from your device or listen to in your car on the way to work. Paid subscribers will access them through my substack website or email. You can even download the substack app on your device which will give you even more convenient access to these mini-courses.
(Mini-course 1 on the Eucharist) The Altar Above the Worlds: Why C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers Believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist (Sacraments, Liturgy, Soteriology) Released June 1st
(Mini-course 2 on Purgatory) The Foothills of Heaven: The Doctrine of Purgatory & Final Healing according to C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Last Things; Christian Eschatology); Released July1st
(Mini-course 3 on Hell) Defeating the Dark Lord: The Doctrine of Hell & The End of the World according to C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Last Things; Christian Eschatology); Released August 1st
(Mini-course 4 on Heaven) Running Up Waterfalls: The Doctrine of Heaven & Cosmic Renewal according to C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Last Things; Christian Eschatology); (TBA)
(Mini-course 5 on the Church): Deep Church: The Nature & Order of the Church according to C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Ecclesiology, Sacramentalogy) (TBA)
(Mini-course 6 on the Saving Work of Christ): The Lion’s Death: Approaching the Atonement of Christ with C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Soteriology, Christology) (TBA)
(Mini-course 7 on Evangelization): Saving the Shire: Defending & Sharing the Faith like C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, & the Church Fathers (Christian Apologetics & Evangelization) (TBA)
Remember, Barrel Aged Faith is committed to learning from the Church Fathers so that we might renew faith and culture like they did! The early Christians transformed a very pagan and evil empire with the power of Christ, and we can too if we follow their example.
But what makes Lewis and Tolkien qualified to be our guides to ancient Christianity & the church fathers?
Although Lewis and Tolkien were not theological experts in Biblical Studies or Patristics (the church fathers), they were professors who lectured on the medieval world, which was essentially fashioned by Scripture & the Fathers. In turn, this same medieval world deeply influenced how Tolkien and Lewis shaped the worlds of Middle Earth & Narnia (i.e. The Eucharist upon Aslan’s Table).
The views of the Fathers certainly show up in Lewis’ apologetic works, and we also know that Lewis wrote an introduction to the classic work ‘On the Incarnation’ by St. Athanasius, which was translated into english by one of his friends. Lewis shows great appreciation for St. Athanasius’ theology in this introduction.
Lewis and Tolkien also took the fathers seriously in how they understood the nature of the church and their own sacramental participation within it. (Tolkien was a Catholic & Lewis was a High Church Anglican or Anglo-Catholic). For example, the fathers teach to repent, pray, and fast from meat on Fridays (in union with Christ’s death) and so Lewis fasted on Fridays. Lewis also went to confession regularly (encouraged by the desert fathers) and believed in the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist.
Not only is their worldview and belief system similar to that of the fathers, but also their methodology in sharing the beauty, truth, and goodness of the faith with the world. Lewis and Tolkien knew the power of weaving beautiful words and images together in order to share the Gospel. The Fathers were no different particularly if we look at the ancient sermons of St. John Chrysostom or the ancient poetry of St. Ephrem of Syria. Today, we need be equipped and energized to share the Gospel with the world again in a beautiful and compelling way just like Lewis, Tolkien, and the fathers!
So will you join me for an exciting future with Barrel Aged Faith?!
Then sign up as a paid subscriber today you will receive access to this first course beginning June 1st.
You will also receive access to exclusive articles, pre-released interviews, and a digital copy of my book, The Ascent!
Be entirely His,