Dear Barrel Aged Christians,
I recently had an interview with author, Michael Warren Davis, on his new book, After Christendom, by Sophia Institute Press. It was a wonderful read on how Christians should live in this strange, new world. Instead of focusing on winning the ‘culture wars,’ Michael admonishes us to live like the missionaries, mystics, and martyrs of old who renewed civilization with the love and power of Christ. The book is filled with many insights about church history with a global perspective and how it informs the present moment.
Secondly, the last part of our interview (see below) focused on a part of Michael’s spiritual journey which included times with Satanism and neo-paganism before becoming a Christian. Michael believes, as do I, that the primary current that is picking up around the world and in the emerging generations isn’t atheism or liberal Christianity, but new (and old forms) of paganism. So check out the clip if you are interested in this conversation or want to know what your children or grandchildren are being offered in today’s world.
On another note, Happy Father’s Day to all of you fathers out there! As I reflected and celebrated the Ascension of Christ on Thursday, it reminded me that this feast day has something to do with Father’s day. How so? Christ said that he would not leave us as orphans, but ask for the Father to send the Holy Spirit to us so that we would always be aware of His Presence with us. Through the Spirit, the Father’s love is always being poured into our hearts and this is the most wonderful gift!
Lastly, I have a special session below (paid subscribers only) for those who love theology and The Lord of the Rings. It is on the mysterious character of Tom Bombadil and the Harrowing of Hell. This session isn’t just for Middle Earth ‘nerds,’ but it also covers the depth of this doctrine and how it connects to our salvation in Christ, which everyone should find important =)
Enjoy! & Be Entirely His,