Many people today view Christianity as stale and outdated or worse, toxic. Instead, I have found the Faith of Christ, the Apostles, and the Fathers to be “ever ancient, ever new” as St. Augustine once said. Though tossed out by one generation as expired and irrelevant, “the faith once delivered to the saints” (Jude 1:3) always resurrects and flourishes in the soil of future generations.
“Though the cellars of the 12 apostles may become lost and forgotten, the barrels remain underground, unpolluted, and waiting for the next visitors to discover their infinite worth.”
Though aged, the apostolic brew never disappoints and always refreshes mind, body, and soul. So join me, Kyle King, as we descend into the cellar of the 12 apostles and tap the ancient barrels that have been aged and perfected for 2,000 years!
For those who do not know me, I grew up in a devout Evangelical Christian home and was just getting started as a Protestant pastor when I made the decision to join the Catholic Church 2012. Though I am a devout and practicing Catholic Christian, I have a great respect for many other Christian traditions, and you will find me in dialogue with them in my interviews, articles, and podcasts. The big picture of “The Barrel" is to renew faith and culture not by genetically re-engineering Christianity, but by reintroducing future generations to the living Christ Who is “beauty, ever ancient, ever new.”
So what is Barrel Aged Faith media all about? I focus on publishing content in four main areas:
Sharing the Stories & Sermons of Ancient Saints such as St. Basil who helped start the the first hospital system in the ancient world that literally served everyone, even lepers(!), or St. John Chrysostom who was considered to be the best Christian preacher of the ancient world or St. Justin the Martyr who is considered the first Christian apologist.
Exploring the Intersection of Fantasy Films & the Ancient Faith such as Stranger Things & Christ’s descent to Hell or Lord of the Rings & the Sacraments or Harry Potter & the meaning of Christ’s Atonement.
Reimagining Christian eschatology or the end of the world. How can you speak of cultural renewal without the finale of human history in mind when Christ’s pierced foot will touch our soil once again and “make all things new”? I will offer courses, books, and unique content on Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, the Second Coming of Christ as well as the Afterlife, Angels, Demons, Ghosts, and even Halloween. You can purchase my novel on purgatory here: The Ascent (or you can watch my interview about purgatory)
Interviewing guests who found the Ancient Faith such as pastors and Christian leaders who eventually became Catholic, Orthodox, or some type of ‘high church’ Anglican (such as C.S. Lewis who believed in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist, regular confession, liturgy, bishops & priesthood, purgatory & praying for the dead, Scripture, the Church Fathers, Creeds, & Councils). You can find an awesome interview here with a former Baptist who became Catholic.
I will have a lot of free content offered to you, but I will also have special content in the future that you can unlock for purchase such as courses, e-books, special interviews, and Barrel Aged Faith merchandise (t-shirts, pint/bourbon glasses & coffee mugs, etc.) Purchasing digital content on this site not only helps to support my family of 6 children (!), but more importantly, it helps to share Jesus with the world, renew our decaying culture, and better prepare us to meet Christ at death or His imminent return.
Be entirely & always His,
Kyle King
Be entirely & always His,
Kyle King